Many students find the transition from high school to university quite challenging. At university, there is not the same level of guidance as in high school and the onus is squarely on the individual to drive their own learning.
In order to succeed in your Bachelor of Commerce units, you must take sole responsibility for your studies. Attending lectures and completing tutorial questions WHEN they are assigned is the key to successfully completing accounting and finance units. This may sound simple, but when trying to balance the social and academic aspects of university life it is all too common for the latter to be neglected.
Of course, the key concepts must be understood and this why attending lectures (or watching them online) is critical. However, it is attempting questions which will give you feedback as to how you are tracking with the material.
I have assisted many students in a variety of commerce units, including but not limited to:
ACCT1101 - Financial Accounting
ACCT2112 - Management Accounting
ACCT2201 - Corporate Accounting
FINA1221 - Introduction to Finance
FINA2222 - Corporate Financial Policy
STAT1520 - Economic and Business Statistics